Wednesday, July 25, 2007

On Radical Pursuasion of Simularity

Post-Baudrillardian conceptual universe--and the poverty of Consecutivist imagination mandates the use of the term "universe," which implies coherence--is heavily soiled by the notions of simulacra and hyperreality. True samurais of Anti-Consecutivism, instead, should be dedicated to the radical pursuasion of simularity, as not so much an alternative truthmodel, as an ideological vessel for radical critique of the disorder of things. The notion of pursuasion--a neologism designed by Anti-Consecutivists to convey precisely the unfinished process that combines persuasion, pursuance, and Asia--is the true subject in the Anti-Consecutivist sentence, while simularity (similar, simulation), as the object, exposes the ambiguities and the Consecutivist politics behind the Baudrillardian project.

Do you love humanity, but hate people?

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Concept of the Political and Its Return: An Anti-Consecutivist Take

Post-Schmittian political theory has been heavily influenced by Agambenesque musings on the return of/to the political: masked Consecutivism radiates triumphant. Consecutivist samurais in camouflage are the foot soldiers of allegedly novel political paradigms: the state, this Consecutivist aporia, the fairy tale for adults, reigns supreme, appropriating ever more grotesque spatial coordinates. The allegedly radical rethinking, by the Schmitt-Agambenists, of the problematic public/private truthmodel, has given rise to the cancerous growth on the part of the state: today, we have witnessed such absurd "ministries," as the "Ministry for Extraordinary Situations" in Russia, or the "Ministry for Strategic Threats" in Israel.

The Anti-Consecutivist position on this is clear. No Minister for Strategic Threats can imagine strategic threats to Consecutivist thinking that Anti-Consecutivist thruthmodels can rain on state-centered paradigms. What Anti-Consecutivists of the world need is the "Ministry for Anti-Ministerial Ministry," a tautological truthmodel that subverts the very notion of the state as a governable apparatus, and inscribes the very hermeneutical abyss it creates onto the body politic it allegedly "governs," much like the machine that so fascinates Kafka's inspector in the famous penal colony.

In order not to be arrested by the state, one needs to state all arrested paradigms clearly. That, in short, is the way of an Anti-Consecutivist.